Insights Hub

How our integrated housing growth data supports stronger strategy
Date published: Date modified: 2023-08-16

Our clients build successful strategies not only from an in-depth knowledge of the current landscape but also from anticipating how that landscape is likely to change. Understanding the latest housing and population trends helps to reveal areas of demand and opportunities for growth, vital metrics to inform business and infrastructure planning in any sector.

Edge Analytics has developed a comprehensive database dedicated to the collection, management and presentation of demographic and Local Plan housing evidence, in one consistent, accessible format. It brings together data from all planning authorities across England, Scotland and Wales, including local authorities, national parks and strategic and joint planning areas.

This data is available to view in groups:

Completions:  How many homes have been built?
Need:  How many homes are needed ie. what is the scale of demand for housing?
Requirements:  What are the housing provision targets?
Supply:  How much land is available for housing delivery?
Delivery: What is the expected rate of housing delivery?
Sites:  Where specifically is housing growth planned?

The dataset is derived from primary research and Local Plan information to create a hyper-clean and consistent database, with ongoing updates and accurate geo-coding to provide unmatched levels of precision. It is compiled from information provided by local planning authorities and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). Data is collected at a macro- and micro-level, covering individual planning authorities and locations where housing growth is planned.

Data is collected from published sources including:

• Housing needs assessments
• Planning permissions
• Housing growth plans
• 5-year land supply
• Profile of demographic change
• Site-level data

Edge’s unique template provides a structured, unified basis for data capture, presenting data and documentation in a coherent format. This feeds Edge’s demographic forecasting models and analyses and is available for delivery to clients, either as a partial extract or as a full data delivery covering macro and micro areas and bespoke geographies.

This chart shows estimated future dwellings across a given area, just one of the applications of the housing growth dataset.


Data is available on a range of metrics including:

• Local Plan status
• Housing requirements & targets
• Housing completions
• Housing trajectories
• Land supply
• MHCLG completions
• Housing Delivery Test
• Geocoded site data
• Brownfield site data
• GIS files (where available)

In combination with the Local Data Company’s retail and leisure location data, this highly-flexible dataset becomes even more powerful.

You can request an Edge Analytics housing data sample by emailing us here.


Click on any option below to discover more:

For retail
For property
For the public sector


For retail

Combining housing plan data with the Local Data Company’s data and insight capabilities offers an unparalleled level of detail for strategic retail & leisure activity.

Meet your consumer base where they are
Reveal high-growth areas for prospective stores

Secure prime position for your next site
Identify future large-scale residential developments for out-of-town or convenience sites

Create future-proof strategy
Predict future sales patterns and growth more accurately than ever before

Move with confidence
Better evaluate potential as part of rental and lease considerations and portfolio optimisation


To find out more about how our integrated datasets can support your strategic planning activity, contacT US HERE.

For property

Edge’s housing plan database integrates with the Local Data Company’s rich, accurate data on the entire GB retail and leisure market, with a wealth of applications across the commercial property space.

Keep your finger on the pulse
Better understand changes in the wider catchment

Evaluate opportunities
Assist with due diligence on prospective asset acquisitions

Sell smarter
Market assets to prospective tenants via leasing teams

Gain in-depth insight
Understand residential and housing requirements as part of potential asset repurposing plans

Find the best matches
Optimise future tenants based on changing populations


To find out more about how our integrated datasets can support your strategic planning activity,
contacT US HERE.


For the public sector

The combination of Edge Analytics’ housing development data set and LDC’s wide-spanning retail and leisure location data lend even more power to strategic planning activity for councils and local authorities.

An informed approach
Support ongoing regeneration and repurposing activities with a broad base of evidence

Compare and contrast
Benchmark against other town centres and local authorities

Look ahead
Quantify future supply and demand

Understand key strengths
Aid in marketing towns to prospective tenants and investors

To find out more about how our integrated datasets can support your strategic planning activity,
contacT US HERE.


TO request a sample of edge analytics' HOUSING DATA you can email us HERE

Sarah Abu-Amero, LDC Marketing Executive

Sarah Abu-Amero, LDC Marketing Executive The Local Data Company 901 901

Sarah joined LDC in 2021, having previously worked as a copywriter and social media manager. She supports the team with digital and written communication, planning and creating content for the company’s website and social accounts.

Green Street, the parent company of LDC, is the preeminent and independent provider of actionable commercial real estate intelligence, covering the U.S. and Europe across nearly 20 property sectors including retail. Our comprehensive solutions include Research, Data & Analytics, News, and Advisory services.

Green Street UK is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 482269). Our global organization maintains information barriers to ensure the independence of and distinction between our non-regulated and regulated businesses.  Local Data Company is not a regulated Green Street business unit.

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